로그인 회원가입

쾌히 하기 영어로


영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • willingness
  • 쾌히    쾌히 [快-]1 [유쾌히] delightfully;
  • 하기    하기 [下記] the writing given below; the
  • 쾌히    쾌히 [快-]1 [유쾌히] delightfully; agreeably; pleasantly; cheerfully; comfortably; [기꺼이] gladly; readily; willingly; with pleasure; with readiness; with a good grace. ~ 승낙하다 readily[willingly] consent /
  • 불쾌히    out loud; boomingly; forte; raucously; loudly; aloud
  • 쾌히 … 하는    cheerful
  • 쾌히...하는    sunshiney; sunshiny; good-humored; canty; beamish; eupeptic
  • 하기    하기 [下記] the writing given below; the following; the undermentioned statements[paragraphs]. ~와 같이 as in the following / as follows / as undermentioned[underwritten] / as given[listed] hereunder. ~의 t
  • 말하기 말하기    Speech
  • 하기시 하기시    Hagi, Yamaguchi
  • ...하기 쉬운    propense; prostrate
  • 곱하기    times
  • 구하기    save
  • 김하기    Kim Haki
  • 달게 하기    sweetening
  • 더하기    더하기 『數』 addition; adding up. ~를 하다 add up . 간단한 ~를 하다 do sums in simple addition.
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